

学生和专业人士可以通过几个证书课程提高他们的知识和推进他们的职业生涯. Each program can be completed on its own or as part of a master’s degree.

Explore Our 证书项目

Program match your criteria

Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate


  • All students complete a field experience as part of the certificate.
  • Develop expertise in a range of evidence-based strategies for educating students with ASD.
  • Engage with critiques of ASD research and service provision levied by members of the autism community. 



Learn how to better serve students with ASD by understanding the nature of autism and the educational techniques that best meet these students’ unique needs.

Child and Family Mental Health Certificate


  • Flexible requirements so that students can customize their certificate.
  • Proximity to mental health agencies and other academic institutions in Boston offers significant opportunities to enhance your career.

Increase your capacity to support the mental health of children and families as a counselor or educator. 

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Certificate-in-Child-and-Family-Mental-Health
幼儿政策 and Leadership Certificate


  • Complete a three-course certificate in 幼儿政策 and Leadership, including courses in the science of early childhood development; program and 政策 development and evaluation; and 领导, 宣传, 和合作伙伴.
  • Participate in monthly seminars, targeting key issues related to early childhood research, 实践, 政策, 宣传, and 领导 over the course of three semesters. 
  • Complete a three-month, paid summer internship in a local, 国家, or inter国家 setting to solidify skills in 政策 development and analysis, 领导, 宣传, or research translation in the early childhood field.
  • Translate learning from the internship and certificate courses by completing a capstone project, 比如政策简报, 学术论文, 或者政策分析.


Develop a deep understanding of the science of early childhood development and the policies and systems that intersect with young children and their families.

教育政策 Development Certificate


  • Learn how policies shape the cultural norms and day-to-day 实践s at both a micro level and a macro level. 
  • Program utilizes a lens of social justice and equity as a basis throughout the curriculum.



Develop the skills to use 政策 creatively and effectively to advance organizational goals and educational change. 

全球的视角 in Curriculum and Instruction Certificate




This certificate prepares students how to become effective teachers in an increasingly globalized world and what constitutes a valued and engaging curriculum for the community. 你'我们将学习如何采用全球视角来识别和解决阻碍公平的障碍, 包容, and global citizenship in educational settings.  

人权 & Inter国家 正义 Certificate


  • Housed within the Center for 人权 and Inter国家 正义.
  • The Center’s Interdisciplinary Seminar in 人权 and Inter国家 正义 forms the foundation of the certificate program. 



Learn to think critically within and across disciplines to better understand contemporary human rights challenges and offer thoughtful, 有效的反应.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Human-Rights-and-Inter国家-正义-Certificate
Inclusive Instructional Design Certificate




This certificate will study the rapidly changing landscape in various learning environments and apply learner variability to offer options for engagement and learner choice. 学生们将能够将“一刀切”的教室转变为充满活力的学习社区,让所有学习者都能归属感并取得成功.

Institutional 电子游戏正规平台 Certificate


  • Program combines foundational courses in higher education administration with the 台面 department's strength in data analysis, evaluation, and research design. 
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods coursework are included.





Prepare for a career in higher education as an institutional research officer or analyst by helping schools address institution-related questions and problems.

国际高等教育ucation Certificate


  • Offered through BC's renowned Center for 国际高等教育ucation.

Deepen your understanding of global higher education models and critical issues impacting higher education around the world.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Certificate-in-Inter国家-Higher-Education
Positive 你th Development Certificate


  • Designed to benefit early- and mid-career youth development leaders. 
  • Students can take advantage of a practicum course to gain hands-on experience.


Learn about and utilize the Positive 你th Development model to support youth in diverse communities.

Social 正义 Leadership Certificate


  • Students develop and enact their own theory of change to apply in 实践.
  • A Reflection on Leadership course prepares students for values-based school 领导 where a respect for diversity is cultivated throughout their organization.



Boldly advance equity in schools and enact a systemic response to confront the barriers students face. 

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate


  • Prepares students to apply the principles of TESOL using instructional technology
  • Online Certificate program meets the current needs for TESOL across the globe

The TESOL certificate program will also prepare students to teach English in diverse instructional settings where English is a second, 外国, 或者国际语言.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Certificate-in-Teaching-English-Language-Learners-TELL
Traumatic Stress Studies and Intervention Certificate


  • Working with individuals or groups of children, 青少年, or adults with histories of trauma
  • Courses provide students with opportunities to consider the application of trauma studies to their professional work

Designed for professionals who would like to broaden and deepen their understanding of the concept of psychological trauma, 它作为一个领域的历史, the impact of trauma on individual and societal well-being, and effective intervention responses. 
